Machine Learning Spot

LangChain Pinecone: Pinecone VectorStore Made Easy (7 Simple Steps)

LangChain Pinecone Featured Image

LangChain Pinecone: It won’t be wrong if we say that among vector stores, the most famous one is Pinecone. Pinecone is a closed-source cloud-based vector store used to store vector embeddings I am writing this blog to help you learn how to use Pinecone using LangChain. By completing this small blog, you will learn Note: […]

LangChain Chromadb: 3 Easy Steps to Make a Vector Database

Langchain Chromadb Thumbnail/featureimage

LangChain Chromadb: LangChain, is a framework used to chain together various LLMs and other functionalities to build apps that use Large Language Models that deal with data that is in numerical form, forming the form of vectors long lists of numbers that have some meaning of features associated with them, which is used to do […]

LangChain FAISS: 3 Easy Steps to Make Personal Vector Store

LangChain FAISS build your own vector store

LangChain FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search): A simple solution for you to make your vector store for free.You can make your text reader, your research tool, and your own article or report writer using these two in combination, the langchain and FAISS so for our ease, let’s call them LangChain FAISS After completing this blog, […]

LangChain RAG: How to Implement in 7 Easy Steps

LangChain RAG a easy deep dive for beginners

In this post on LangChain RAG, we will design a basic RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) pipeline using LangChain, and this is super easy; it takes only 7 simple steps to develop a simple RAG using the LangChain framework. RAG is a pipeline that solves the problem of AI hallucination and customizes your app according to […]

Basic to Advanced RAG: A Beginner’s Deep-Dive Made Easy (2024)

Rag anf Advanced RAG simpliefied

RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation): This is a new era, so why talk about wearing rags? No way! We are here talking about RAG, the Retrieval-Augmented Generation, as well as advanced RAG. The name sounds so old, but the technology is new, freaking everyone out. It can take chatbots like ChatGPT to the next level! Really? But […]

How to Use LangChain: Get 3 Proven Use Cases

How to Use LangChain

If you want to know how to use LangChain within a few minutes, then this blog post is for you. In this blog post, we will cover each of the LangChain components that are enough for you to get started in LangChain. By the end of the blog, you will be able to witness the […]

What is LangChain? A Comprehensive Guide for Absolute Beginners

Do you know what is LangChain? LangChain, as the name suggests, is a framework that helps you build a connection between your app and a large language model. Since it is a framework, you can surely work without it, just like you can build a website’s backend using a Python framework like Django Flask, etc., […]

OpenAI Crunchbase: An Insight On Comprehensive Company Profile (2024)

OpenAI Crunchbase Company Profile 2024

OpenAI, a nonprofit company that started with a billion dollars, is now a multibillion-dollar entity. What is the financial landscape of OpenAI Crunchbase company, who are the faces behind the company, and what roles do Elon Musk, Sam Altman, LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman, and many others play? This blog covers every aspect of the company, […]

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