Machine Learning Spot

What is Langchain Hub? How to Use Langchain Hub

Feature Image of LangChain Hub

Prompt engineering is the future? Where can I find the community? Langchain Hub is a platform in Langchain within Langchain Smith to share prompts, learn from others’ prompts, and use other’s prompts. It is really simple to use and helps us save time. It’s integrated with Langsmith having 5K active teams and more than 80K […]

How to Use LLM’s In Hugging Face With LangChain

Feature Image of LangChain Hugging Face Blog

Want to learn how to use Hugging Face with LangChain to use it’s LLM’s or are you exploring some free LLM’s on Hugging Face but don’t know how? Then this blog is for you. Hugging Face has numerous open-source LLM’s that can be integrated with LangChain Today, you will learn how to use hugging face […]

How to Store Embeddings Using LangChain Weaviate

LangChain Weaviate Feature Image

LangChain Weaviate is another easy-to-use vector store that you will learn about in this blog. In this blog, I will make it easy for you to learn how to use LangCahin Weaviate and to create and store embeddings using Hugging Face. From API creation to code, you learn everything on this blog. Let’s quickly start […]

LangChain Web Scraping and Crawling made Super easy (3 Lines)

LangChain webscraping

LangChain web scraping and web crawling are the most fun and loved part of LangChain. We have various ways to do web scraping and web crawling but today we are going to explore the shortest and easiest one, which is still effective and will help you gather data using LangChain web scraping feature in no […]

langChain VS Llama Index: A Quick and Easy Comparison (2024)

LangChain Vs Lama Index

Langchain vs Llama Index: Ever wondered about the key differences between the Langchain and Llama index? Can they be used alternatively? Which one should you use, and which one shouldn’t be used, and when should they be used? What pipeline do they use? All these questions and related ones can be answered by reading this […]

How to Implement LangChain Memory for Contextual AI Conversations

LangChain Memory

Want to know about LangChain memory? This blog is dedicated to this! Have you ever wondered how ChatGPT can answer you almost the same way humans do? LLM is a factor, but a human being can also remember what we were and are talking about. Suppose you are asking ChatGPT to help you fill out […]

How to Craft a LangChain Prompt Template (2024)

LangChain Prompt Templates

Crafting a LangChain Prompt template is a piece of cake; once you understand how to craft and use it, it will open numerous possibilities to make user-specific, industry-specific apps and even beyond. A prompt template is an outline provided to the language model to behave the way we want it to behave depending on situations […]

How to Build LangChain YouTube Summarizer (In 4-Steps & Easy Way)

LangChain YouTube Summarizer Featured Image

LangChain YouTube Summarizer: In simple and easy steps, you are going to make your own YouTube video summarizer using LangChain. You just need to keep following the instructions that I am going to share here. What’s special about this tutorial is that it works for any duration of video, whether it be 1 hour, 2 […]

How to Use LangChain Chains: 3 Popular Used Chains

LangChain Chains

LangChain Chains is the feature likely responsible for the name of the chain in LangChain. It is a powerful feature that allows us to connect different functions. LangChain Chains removes the boundaries of creativity by giving flexibility to the developer. LangChain is like a puzzle in which one can place any piece of puzzle according […]

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